Wants List
The Wants List enables members to ask for plants they have been trying to locate, in the hope that another member grows the plant, and would be happy to supply either a plant, a cutting or seeds. The Wants List is updated twice a year - March and October as these are the best times to propagate plants.
If members can supply any of the requests on the list, they bring them along to the next meeting or most optimal time if cuttings/seed. There is a table near the stage to place the items on. I will organise distribution to the recipient. A small charge is made for the plants, which goes to Group funds.
The list will be distributed via the newsletter. It is also available below.
Your requests can be added to the list either by writing them in The Wants Book which will be on the table by the stage or by emailing Jane Segar.
Cutting of Rosa Roserie de l’hay
Silybum marianum
Cynara cardunculis
Ulex Europea flora plena
Iris ungularis Mary Barnard
Narcissus bulbocodium Oxford gol
Dahlia Emory Paul
Aucuba japonica
Astrantia Gill Richardson
Crocosmia Babylon
Sangusorbia Red buttons
Echinacea Fatal Attraction
Diascia Lady Valerie
Sedum cuttings
Phlomis italica
Salvia confertifolia
Lunaria rediva
Lunaria Corfu Blue/ annua variegata
Pulmonaria rubra/David Ward
Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow
Scilla hyacinthoides
Symphotrichum novi belgii Winston Churchill
Symphotrichum novi belgii Peace
Symphotrichum novi belgii Marie Ballard
Geranium pratense striatum
Geranium phaem variegatum
Rosemarinus Fota Blue
Cardamine bulbifer
Papaver guardsman/Princess Victoria Louise/ Watermelon
Parahebe Rosea/ Baby Blue
Syringa Clarke’s giant
Cordyalis Chocolate Star
double Shanta daisy
Tithonia Orange Torch
Campanula glomerata Elizabeth
Last Updated 4th November 2024